State Human Rights Commissions (SHRC) Objective

It is the responsibility of the organisation to ensure a safe, secure and congenial work environment where employees will deliver their best without any inhibition, threat or fear. In pursuance of this objective, we have evolved a "Sexual Harassment at the Workplace (Prevention and Redressal) committee". The approach is to spread awareness about the consequences of sexual harassment at workplace and thereby prevent any occurrences. In the event of such an occurrence, the committee will provide the framework for action.

Definition of Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention and Redressal)

Sexual harassment in the workplace has been defined as "unwelcome" sexually determined behaviour (whether directly or by implication). It includes any or all of the following:

  • Physical contact and advances
  • A demand or request for sexual favours
  • Sexually coloured remarks
  • Showing pornography
  • Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature
The Reconstituted Redressal Committee Members:
  • Ms. Pushpavalli.K – Chairperson (Female)
  • Mr. Naga Anil – Legal Advisor
  • Dr. Harry C D - Coordinator
  • Ms.Mamata Saikia – Member (Female)
  • External Legal Counsel – Member participation on invitation.

(The members will be nominated by the management once a year and immediately on exit of any member)

The Committee will meet formally once in Qtr. The Chairperson can call for an early meeting (Case based)

Employees are requested to contact the committee members if faced by any of the above-mentioned harassments or any other forms which is not mentioned. Identity will be kept confidential and appropriate actions will be taken by the committee members upon receipt of compliant. You can lodge your complaints to or call/ write to the committee members. or call/ write to the committee members.

Our email Id :,,,


Basic Way of Thinking
  • All Employees should have a sense of Security in workplace irrespective of their sex
  • No Employee shall be harassed in the Company by the virtue of his / her sex or external appearance
  • It is the responsibility of the company to prevent or deter the commission of acts of sexual harassment by developing appropriate internal norms
  • To prevent or deter the commission of acts of sexual harassment inside the company premises
  • To form a Sexual Harassment Redressal Committee to attend to the grievances related to sexual harassment inside the company premises. 3.To comply with the legal requirements.

What is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual Harassment includes such unwelcome behaviour (whether directly or by implication) as

  • Physical Contact and advances
  • A demand or request for sexual favours
  • Sexually coloured remarks
  • Showing pornography
  • Any other unwelcomephysical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature

Experiencing sexual harassment when one of the following is true

  • It is stated or understood that you must submit to the behaviour in order to get or keep a job (an explicit or implicit term or condition of employment)
  • Employment decisions are based on whether or not you go along with the behaviour, or
  • The behaviour creates a hostile or offensive or intimidating and abusive work environment that changes the conditions of your job
  • Sexual harassment is conduct based upon sex, whether directed toward a person of the same or opposite sex

Hostile environment

Sexual harassment occurs where the sexually oriented conduct of one employee creates an offensive and unpleasant working environment for any other employee. Harassment is often about one person (or a group of people) using power inappropriately over another person / group of people. But harassment can also happen between people when there is no power relationship. It may simply create a hostile environment.

Depending on the circumstances, each of the following kinds of behaviour may be sexual harassment:

  • .Material that is sexual in nature, sexist, sexually explicit and is displayed in the workplace, circulated, or put in someone's workspace or belongings, or on a computer or fax machine or the Internet or any other public display system or public place in the work premises. This will also lead to misuse of company facilities.
  • Verbal abuse or comments that put down people because of their sex.
  • Comments about people's (women/men) bodies.
  • Pressure for dates.
  • Sexually explicit gestures, unwelcome touching and hugging.
  • Sexist jokes and cartoons. There is a difference between harmless humour which may refer to gender, race and so on and using a racist, sexist or other types of stereotyping jokes to have a "dig" at someone (and therefore to harass them). If this difference is not clear or if someone is offended, the behaviour should stop immediately
  • Obscene phone calls
  • Displaying pornography in the workplace.
  • Insisting that workers wear revealing clothing
  • Inappropriate gifts.
  • Discussion of one's partner's sexual inadequacies
  • Lewd and threatening letters.
  • Sexual sneak attacks (such as grabbing private parts on the run), Indecent exposure, Subtle or overt pressure for sexual favours, Soliciting & demanding sexual services, Sexual or physical contact, such as slapping, kissing or touching. Intrusive questions about sexual activity, Sexual assault, repeated sexual invitations when the person invited has refused/ignored similar invitations.
  • Coerced sexual intercourse (e.g., as a condition of employment or academic status). In some cases, a single act may be enough to amount to harassment.



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